Business Strategy Middel and long term target identification Diversification strategy Conversion plans Investments planning Targets management Finance and banking Loans
Export Strategies Export strategies Operative office in Saarbrucken (German and French markets) Operative office in Moscow (Russian federation) Strategic advise Commercial personnel local selection B2b exploration,either key or small account Optimization and management of sales network Start-up of virtual commercial offices Management of commercial offices or branches Strategic alliances or acquisitions Seminars and training
Marketing, Sales and Communication Price policy and profit analysis Sales force management Commercial strategy Motivation of sales force Operative marketing Collection and analysis of sales data E-commerce planning Crm practice
Management Finance Control Economic management practice Budget Financial management practice Financial planning Profit analysis Cost analsyis Cash-flow Planning and management practice (D-1000)
Business Organization and Human Resources Management of business organization Generational takeover management Valuation and developement of human resources Management of complex projects Motivational analysis and role confidence Delegation and control practice Data-flow management Business training
Production Lay-out and logistics Production efficiency management Management of orders of production Production reporting Production planning Quotations and balancing Lead time improvement
Quality, Environment Control and Social Resposibilities Quality control and insurance Labour safety Uni en ISO 9000 quality sistems Ethics certification Quality cost/benefits valuation Organizational models as per D.Lgs 231/01 Environment management as ISO 14000/emas